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About Return to Home Port™


‘Return To Home Port' or 'RTHP' is part of US Navy and Marine Corps vernacular. It is the date when a unit is scheduled to come back to the main base - or home port - after an extended period of operations. While RTHP is a Naval term, all military-connected people understand the concept that the individual service member never operates alone - all are part of a unit - and that this unit must plan and train extensively as a team both to deploy forward to operate and return home together after a mission 'well done'. Before this unit deploys, there is an extensive level of strategy, planning, training and work collectively as a team to synthesize the unit’s programs, processes and people. The best organizations empower team members to achieve their professional task at hand, thereby helping the team succeed. Through communication, coordination, action and accountability, a unit will operate efficiently and effectively, thereby achieving peak performance as a unit and as individuals. The RTHP concept translates well to the civilian world - there is a level of collective professional effort to achieve success as an organization, with the fundamental building blocks of individual effort and development at the core of this collective success.

What Does Our Logo Mean?

Our logo encapsulates who we are as a company. The hand is offering or receiving our output - whether strategies, plans, concepts or prototypes - all of these are efforts in benefit to people. The two squares forming the 'H' are building blocks, indicative of the time, planning and process to build in stages. The two blocks highlight that we believe in 2-partner integrity, i.e., each partner has to contribute to the building blocks. They are aligned perfectly. As this applies to companies, the very best ones always look out for their employees. As this applied to employees, the very best ones put forth their maximum effort on behalf of the team. The blocks in the 'H' also are reminiscent of the nautical 'Papa' flag, which is an internationally recognized symbol of 'preparing to sail'. Nautical flags are a method of communication. Communication is a key component of organizational success, which is why we emphasize 3-way positive communication between the partners.


Our Team


David Sauvé

David Sauvé has over 30 years of work experience in government, companies, foundations and entrepreneurial start-ups. With varied career of 25+ years in Naval aviation including direct leadership of a squadron of 755 personnel, 7+ years as a member of boards of directors, and nearly 4 years combined as a member of City Council Staff in Chicago and as a Military Fellow on Capitol Hill, he is uniquely suited to synthesize strategy and deliberate planning to identify emerging opportunities, harness available resources, assess dynamic operations, mitigate associated risk and thereby improve outcomes for regions, organizations and most importantly people.

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